Team coaching has become a much talked about strategy in many organizations. As organizations are striving to be at the best, the need for individuals and teams to work well together cannot be over emphasized.
Given the criticality of team performance, the essence of any team coaching must go beyond intra-team dynamics and inter-team dynamics and focus on value creation.
While many approaches to team coaching, focus on the what we need to do, how we need to do it and why we need to do it, which are all essential for value creation, Arbinger’s approach to team coaching, Outward Performance, focuses on what really matters.. how we individually and collectively show up moment to moment. In a nutshell, it focuses on the mindset with which we approach anything and everything we are doing. After all, everything depends on it. The Arbinger Institute, leveraging on a discovery to a little known problem called self-deception offers a refreshing and effective way to invite a shift in mindset, nurture and sustain high performance. Arbinger’s team coaching program, Outward Performance, is designed in a way that takes into account 4 key factors.
When things are not going well in a team, creating a performance breakthrough means that a leader needs to ask a very important question: What about my leadership is allowing my team/staff to behave in this way and think it is ok?
Leaders who are able to examine themselves, be vulnerable and share success stories of others in the organization are far more likely to invite change in their teams.
Outward Performance, puts leaders squarely in the centre of team-coaching and empowers them to drive it.
This is a mindset problem and a mindset problem requires a mindset solution. Behavioral approaches are ineffective in addressing mindset problems. They do not work.
Outward Performance, by leveraging on the key ideas to mindset change, based on Arbinger’s international best-sellers, Leadership and Self-Deception, The Outward Mindset and The Anatomy of Peace provides a powerful language that invites individuals and the team to feel deeply responsible for the impact on others and grow in their conviction to be more helpful, i.e., invites a change in mindset.
Arbinger’s Outward Performance approach to team coaching empowers leaders to be at the centre of transforming teams, empowers them to lead, role model and inspire members to join in the pursuit of value creation. To find out more, contact your nearest Arbinger office or email us at:
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Arbinger SEA
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