Why Organizational Culture Matters Organizational culture isn’t just a set of values written on a...
Employee Engagement Starts with Leadership Engaged employees bring energy, creativity, and commitmen...
Read carefully, this is NOT a discussion between BEING right vs. Being nice. BEING right, ofte...
We cannot change mindset, unless we change the mindset in a man (or a woman, of course). This is not...
Follow Your Instincts? T&C Applies! It might be called differently – follow or trust your h...
Hurt People, Hurt People I was walking down the street from lower Delta Rd. to Tiong Bahru Plaza...
Having to behave differently in front of different people and in different occasions, have you ever...
Just Live Well, Just Live. There are 3 words/phrases I find troubling recently: Resilience, Bounce B...
Collaboration does not simply mean two or more people “work together” on the same thing. In my p...
We all talk about measuring impact: measuring business impact, or how and whether our money, time an...
Leadership and You According to Harvard Business Review’s article on Jan 17, 2020, organizations w...