
Arbinger's assessments highlight policy, practice, structure, and procedure gaps, along with mindset perception so your organization can optimize your workforce to improve performance.

Mindset Assessment

Everyone operates somewhere along a continuum from inward to outward. Our position on that continuum profoundly affects our performance, influence, and individual effectiveness. Similarly, the collective mindset of an organization shapes its culture and performance.

This 20-question Mindset Assessment gauges an individual’s perception of their own mindset as well as that of their organization. In addition to indicating location along the inward mindset-outward mindset continuum, the results provide additional insight into specific areas of strengths and opportunities. When organizations field this survey widely, they receive detailed insights into employees’ experience and perception of their work.

Although anyone is welcome to take the Mindset Assessment at any time, we strongly recommend taking it at the start of work with Arbinger to set a baseline, then periodically reassessing to gauge progress and adjust efforts as needed.

Upon completion of the assessment, we present an analysis of the findings along with recommendations for steps to take to improve individual and organizational mindset and performance.

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Mindset Styles Assessment

When you’re at work, do you tend to have an inward or an outward mindset? What about at home? With your boss? Your coworkers? Your spouse? Your siblings?

Everyone operates with one of two mindsets: an outward mindset or an inward mindset. The Mindset Assessment (above) gives us feedback on our individual mindset tendencies on average. However, our mindset can change in different situations.

The Mindset Styles Assessment helps individuals identify which mindset they tend to have in specific situations and relationships: with a boss, with coworkers, with a spouse or partner, with children, and so on. It also evaluates individuals’ predominant inward styles—better than, I deserve, worse than, or need to be seen as—in those situations. Assessment-takers can select the relationships they’d like to evaluate.

When taking this assessment, we strongly recommend that you evaluate multiple relationships. (Note: It takes 2-3 minutes to evaluate a relationship.) This will help reveal the nuanced and multi-faceted ways you approach common situations. It will also identify which relationships might require more attention and in which situations you might be the most susceptible to turning inward.

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Learning Assessment

Arbinger has partnered with the world’s leading learning journey analytics provider, Explorance. Through this partnership, Arbinger will leverage Metrics That Matter (MTM), to provide leaders with key data about the quality and impact of outward mindset training programs. By combining web-based surveys with predictive analytic tools, MTM enables organizations to clearly see the connection between a training program, improvements in employee performance, and bottom-line results. The MTM model calculates an ROI for training by starting with an estimate of overall improvement based on surveys taken by the learner and their manager. By asking the learner to specify what is driving that improvement and adjusting for self-reporting bias, MTM establishes the extent to which the training caused the improvement. This is then assigned a monetary value based on Explorance’s extensive research and 1.5-billion-data point MTM database. Responses can be benchmarked against this database by industry, organization size, delivery type, and more. Please contact us to learn more about this program.

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Organizational Assessment

Systems, policies, and other structural elements of an organization heavily influence employee mindset and behavior. Many organizations unwittingly incentivize or invite an inward mindset among employees simply by virtue of the legacy structures they have in place. For this reason, any organizational transformation effort must assess not only the human elements (mindsets), but also the structural ones. Virtually every organization can change some aspects of their operations to help ensure their employees work with an outward mindset over the long term.

In this assessment, Arbinger consultants work with organizations to review their policies, practices, structures, and procedures. We analyze these elements to determine which may be inviting or rewarding an inward mindset among employees, then recommend changes that will reinforce an outward mindset and reward results-focused, collaborative behaviors. If appropriate, we also provide support during the rollout and implementation of new policies, procedures and systems.

This process, including the depth of review, is highly tailored to the needs of our client organizations. Prior to each assessment, we consult with senior leaders to determine specific goals and issue areas, then propose a timeline for the review.

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