Public Webinar

The Inside Track: How Leaders’ Mindset Affects Team Culture

A Webinar Series

Date: 13 November 2024, Wednesday

Time: 10:30am – 12:00pm

Webinar Content

What makes a successful group or business is the question everyone’s asking. But that might be the wrong question.

There’s no secret that When recognition hits the mark, employees are five times as likely to be connected to company culture and four times as likely to be engaged”. But the real question is “Who makes the positive culture”? and “Who is the key to maintaining a positive culture?”  The answer lies in leaders and their mindset. 


A leader’s mindset sets off a ripple effect, impacting not just behaviors but also the results a team can achieve. By focusing on mindset rather than just tasks, leaders can inspire enthusiasm and resilience in their teams. In fact, 93% of employees who feel valued at work are motivated to give their best; Indicating how critical leadership is in creating an environment where people want to stay and grow.

Through interactive sessions and real-world examples, you will discover the role that mindset plays in shaping the attitudes that contribute to a thriving corporate environment and culture. 


Join us for this webinar as we delve into the key understanding of a mindset shift. The understanding of how certain insights, inspire certain actions that foster success and performance. For leaders or change-makers, this webinar helps you redefine your mindset for a better workplace culture. 



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