How to Manage a Hybrid Working Environment and Ensure Performance
a knowledge exchange session among leaders
Date: 29th July 2022, Friday
Time: 10am – 11.30am
Arbinger Institute of Singapore is inviting you to an ONLINE EXCLUSIVE webinar session!
Many companies are having to settle into a Hybrid working environment with some people working remotely, others working full-time in the office and yet others working both remotely and in the office on different days.
Most companies continue to face challenges making this arrangement work and have adopted solutions to ensure better performance.
In this webinar, practitioners and leaders learn from other companies the challenges and best practices they have implemented in developing and fostering successful performance in a hybrid and autonomous working environment.
Panellists will share their own experiences about strengthening performance in a hybrid setting.
With the change in work dynamics, Hybrid Working Cultures/Environments are becoming more popular by the day. Due to this shift from conventional work settings to Hybrid Work Settings, many People Leaders are finding it a challenge to:
- Foster Human Connections in Hybrid Environments
- Ensure Equity in Hybrid Environments
- Handle Time Zones in a Hybrid Environment
- Have Consistent Communication and Reduce Transparency Issues
- Nurture Accountability among Employees
- Maintain Optimal Overall Performance of Remote Teams
Join our distinguished panellists
in sharing their own challenges and approaches to
strengthening performance in a hybrid setting
For enquiries, please contact us at