Virtual Talk
BYOC Virtual Talk
Outward Inclusion
Call People In Instead of Calling Them out!
Too many organisational efforts to address equity, diversity and inclusivity focus on behaviors alone
The marginalizing and discriminatory behaviors you are trying to eradicate are behavioral manifestations of a deeper issue—mindset.
If you engage in change efforts that do not change mindset—the fundamental way we see and regard others—nothing will change.
In this 90 min BYOC session, participants will get a glimpse of Arbinger’s Outward Inclusion workshop and experience a refreshing way to nurture inclusivity in their organization by “calling people in” rather than “calling people out!”
Highlights / Takeaways
- Key Drivers of Culture
- 3 Types of DEI (Diversity, Equity and Inclusion) Training
- Hiding Humanity – Ways we exclude others
- Way forward
Senthiyl SSG | Managing Director and Lead Facilitator for Arbinger South East Asia
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